• Why is it hard to get things done for INTPs?

    Why is it hard to get things done for INTPs?

    Have you ever wondered why you end up reading about psychological theories instead of studying for that exam? Have you ever asked yourself why you can’t just accomplish things like others? Why you lose interest so easy? Well, then you can understand us (and you might be an intp as well). You see, I’m struggling…

  • INFP


    Fi Ne Si Te As an INFP, you live in your inner world. You have a rich universe inside your mind and you can act accordingly. All your feelings, all your values are inside of it and you act by consequence, not matter what the rest says. Your Fi makes you concentrate on how to…

  • Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    First of all,  The INTJ is the patient visionary with a clear view of how the future should look and will work with quiet and logical determination to make it happen. INTJs love  intellectual challenges and will be stimulated by  the abstract and the complex. The INTJs love the complex, the new and untested. Facts…

  • MBTI and cognitive functions.

    MBTI and cognitive functions.

    Psychologist Carl Jung was first to observe that our brains have 8 basic, fundamental functions that it performs and that these express themselves differently in each of us. Each of us has a “dominant” function that is our strongest function and the one that comes without any effort. We have: Ni/Ne, Ti/Te, Fi/Fe, Si/Se. Here is…