Category: Writer

  • Literature


    Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence, I swear I will write more. However, I want to start writing about literature so let’s talk about my beloved Greeks! I’ve always been fascinated by the Ancient Greece, mythology, how they lived etc. In fact, I study ancient greek (with latin too) and I often translate their texts.…

  • Untitled post 1584

    Have you ever felt like this? Like nothing is really worth at try? Like life is hopeless? Have you ever felt powerless? Unable to control your life aiming the afterlife. Unable to control your body and falling inevitably. You brain is miles and miles far away, but your body still weighs, you don’t know how…

  • Climate change and global warming

    Climate change and global warming

      The Earth’s climate has always changed throughout the history: just in 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat and it all has depended on the small variations of Earth’s orbit. Now, unfortunately, this climate change is caused by the human activities, so there is an expansion of the ”greenhouse…

  • Celts and the death.

    Celts and the death.

    The Celts used to consider the death as an interruption of a really long life, like a bridge between a life and another. So they believed in reincarnation but it was more than this. There was a metamorphosis, metempsychosis (a term in the Greek language referring to transmigration of the soul) and, in the end, the reincarnation. That…

  • Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    First of all,  The INTJ is the patient visionary with a clear view of how the future should look and will work with quiet and logical determination to make it happen. INTJs love  intellectual challenges and will be stimulated by  the abstract and the complex. The INTJs love the complex, the new and untested. Facts…

  • MBTI and cognitive functions.

    MBTI and cognitive functions.

    Psychologist Carl Jung was first to observe that our brains have 8 basic, fundamental functions that it performs and that these express themselves differently in each of us. Each of us has a “dominant” function that is our strongest function and the one that comes without any effort. We have: Ni/Ne, Ti/Te, Fi/Fe, Si/Se. Here is…

  • Feminism and why we need it.

    Feminism and why we need it.

    The reasons why we need feminism

  • Mental health awareness month: schizophrenia.

    Mental health awareness month: schizophrenia.

    Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or withdrawn; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations.  Schizophrenia is a devastating disorder for most people who are afflicted, and…

  • Parole


    E i pensieri fluivano sulla cartaCome un fiumiciattolo che scorre lentamente. E inizio a scrivere, dando alle parole una vita propria. Le sento come se fossero vive Come se fossero dei bambini appena nati. All’improvviso queste parole si trasformano in un fiume E come un fiume che scorre velocemente, non ho nulla con cui fermarle.…

  • Mental health awareness month: anxiety disorder.

    Mental health awareness month: anxiety disorder.

    Remember this: People diagnosed with Anxiety have high levels of empathy and they’re able to understand others pain and joy easier. They understand things on deeper level and they doubly strong levels of intuition accuracy. Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Feeling anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or…