Tag: problems

  • INFP problems

    INFP problems

    Here there’s a list of the things INFPs struggle with. If you are one, share the article! Well, let’s start. 1)Procrastination. You are good at thinking about your projects and organising them but…doing what you planned? Ha ha ha   You often struggle with long term projects because you get bored and you really lazy…

  • Broad ocean

    Broad ocean

    Lost in a sea of problems, looking for a solution that doesn’t want to be found. I swim, I try my best yet the fish runs away from my fingers. I got tired of swimming, I think I will let the sea guide me.

  • Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    Things you shouldn’t say to INTJs

    First of all,  The INTJ is the patient visionary with a clear view of how the future should look and will work with quiet and logical determination to make it happen. INTJs love  intellectual challenges and will be stimulated by  the abstract and the complex. The INTJs love the complex, the new and untested. Facts…

  • Mental health awareness month: anxiety disorder.

    Mental health awareness month: anxiety disorder.

    Remember this: People diagnosed with Anxiety have high levels of empathy and they’re able to understand others pain and joy easier. They understand things on deeper level and they doubly strong levels of intuition accuracy. Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Feeling anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or…

  • Mental health awareness month: let’s talk about depression

    Mental health awareness month: let’s talk about depression

    Remember: people diagnosed with Depression are usually smarter than the average person, they have a better perspective of the world and they see situations more realistically.   Depression is not what you think. Depression is not romantic, it’s not a thing that you can heal with a kiss, it’s not photos in black and white…